Friday, April 24, 2015

Being Happy

You know.

I don't think it's very hard to be happy. I made a list about how to stay happy, but I think it has always been simpler than that.

I come to understand that because it really is you who make yourself happy; you can really come up with anything and be happy with that.

I think you can convince yourself to feel happy, or sad, or angry, or anything really. If you believe in it very hard and very long, it will stain so hard in your heart and mind that it'll come to you naturally.

(But if it isn't--you'll come to a realization and I guess the most common reaction is that you'll think you were very stupid.)

Then again, I don't think it's just about feelings.

When you believe in something really hard and long, what you believe will be your reality. I think it's also how religion works with theist, or how people somewhere in places or situations one would consider very pitiful can have what others perceived as false sense of security. Or false consciousness. Something along those lines.


I was wondering if it's wrong to be happy for those things. It sounds really wrong--why would it be wrong to be happy? What makes happy wrong?

But if being happy is really what you create; what you make up in your mind, regardless what situation you're in or what kind of things that cause it, isn't that mean we can practically be happy with anything?

Is it wrong if we're happy because of lies that we're convinced are true? Feelings that we believe are sincere? Circumstances that we think are ideal? Is it wrong to be happy by doing things considered as sinful by God? Or immoral by society? Is it wrong to enjoy things that makes you ignorant or dumb? Is it bad that...

Seriously. What are the lines?

Who decides one can be happy with what?

What if we're not allowed to be happy with everything?

Because it becomes obvious that some things that are breaking the rules or hurt other people seemed to be something we shouldn't... (can't?) be happy for/about (I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people in jail who actually enjoy the crimes they committed) Finding pleasure in things that causing people misery is a bad thing right?

But since you practically can be happy with anything...

Isn't it easy to find other things to be happy about?

So I guess it doesn't really matter then.

But still. The fact that we can actually be happy with anything, but not exactly allowed to be happy with anything... is kinda sad. I think.

And maybe unfair? I don't know.

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