Monday, March 4, 2013

Bouncing back

Why hello again! After last month pretty depressing post and un-depressing post un-posted I had in my drafts I think I have to cheer this blog up again.


My aunt past away recently.

This auntie is one that I've always remember saying "You're pretty." to me at times I greet her or visit her on holidays. Even in the last day I visit her at the hospital, she said so too--and she said that she's not being nice or merely saying that, and that she really thinks I'm pretty.

(I was beaten at that time, she told me I shouldn't had come if I were tired; at that time I thought "I might not have the chance to visit you again so I pushed myself today"--because there are lot of stuff in my agenda at the time--but I didn't say anything.)

I am not sad because I don't have the reason to. She rested in peace, and my mom said the reason that she hasn't past away when my mother visited her in the afternoon was (probably) solely because she was waiting for her family to be there with her. And she was loved and she was one of the nicest auntie I've ever had.

Heh. So much cheering this blog up.

But really.

People stress, depress and upset sometimes. Sometimes they're anxious and worried. And afraid. Of things. Of some stuffs.

Me too.

In the end what's important is that... I have people around me to remind me that I'm okay and everything is okay. That everything's fine and I have nothing to worry, stress, depress or be anxious about.

That the world (with stuffs and everything in it) will never stop for me to grief. That the sun will always rise in the morning no matter I don't want any of them at that moment, and that the assignments are still due tomorrow even if I don't feel like doing it.

Even if those people have to leave at some point (like one I love that has), I hope that I will never run out of those people. And that if I do, I'm big enough to remember that all by myself.