Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Something happened

You know, the one that I have mentioned about the time when I saw one of my friend using a bag from NSO, and then I told one of my other my friend that I'm going to get one of those next year and I really did? That's one case. For one thing, I didn't mean anything when I said that, but it happened anyways.

Similar case happened a few days ago.

But I didn't say anything this time.

You see, now that I go to college, I usually go there by train since my house is nearby and I'm too lazy to find a kostan (or somesort). And I usually went to the last wagon (or first, depends) so I can get out of the station faster.

It was Monday (yes, this week's Monday) and I was on my way home inside the train when I saw a guy (look's like the one in charge) went to engine driver's cabin. And there's a thought.

"I wonder what's inside there."

And then there was Tuesday. I was late; when I bought the tickets, the train's already there and when I run for it, the door closed just in front of my face. I'm in despair!

But just for a second.

Because it seems that one of the guy in engine driver's cabin saw my failed attempt and felt kind of pity, so he opened the cabin's door; and let me in.

So I was inside an unused engine driver's cabin all the way to college.

I was inside the engine driver's cabin.

I was inside the--

--Holy kitty that was--

--I dunno. Beyond unexpected? Something like that.

I feel like, I'm the luckiest person in the world or something. Because it's just crazy! The moment I wonder about what's inside the engine driver's cabin on Monday, I know that would be sort-of-impossible! Because, it's not like I want to work there or some sort; the thought of I would be there is nonexistent in my mind. I just shrugged the thought off seconds after I thought about that.

And then the next day, I was there, all the way to college. True story.



Sigh. I don't know.

But seriously.

If a mere thought like that could happen; even when you don't expect anything, even when you don't believe in it; why can't people believe in a great, strong and promised force such as,

a prayer?

Just saying.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Of Formality and Reality

Weird title. I know. Sorry. Please excuse my uncreative mind.

When I was in high school (it sounds like I'm old or something) in the tenth grade, if I'm not mistaken, my sociology teacher told the class about uh. I forgot what it's called, but long story short, it's about how there are two behaviors that people choose to.. use? do? whatever the verb is; and that depended on the relation of the person you interact with.

One I like to refer as 'formal' (since I forgot what it's called), it's the kind of behavior you usually offer to people for the sake of courtesy and such; usually to people older, to stranger, to your boss, to people you just met, and so on. But I think in a way, this behavior is one that you want 'people to know you as' kind of behavior. It can be anything; polite, warm, chirpy, or maybe cold, annoying and inconsiderate if you want to. So by formal.. I don't mean 'formal' literally.

And another one is.. one that like to refer as 'real' (since like I've mentioned, I forgot what it's called) and obviously, since this is the real one, this behavior reflects you as who you really are. The one you'll use/do/whatever to the person close to you, like family and friends or boyfriends or girlfriends or pets and etc. And it can be anything too.

You can say that "I'm not like that! I always stay true with myself; I treat people the same, their relation with me doesn't matter."


No, you can't. If you do, I don't think you'll survive in the society.

This act of.. treating people differently comes naturally I guess. It comes naturally when you're a part of society; it comes naturally when you have people who're close to you, and people who're not-that-close to you. A lot of things mattered as of why and it's late and I'm lazy of explaining them (maybe later) but yeah. It's just different!

It's not always differs a lot, of course. It's just, there are things that only people you trust a lot know about one or two qualities your soul has, and there are things that you only do to people mattered to you and people who actually don't mind receiving that behavior.

And there are things that you don't really like doing; like maybe smiling or greeting or bowing or standing straight, but you have to, because that's how society works. There are unwritten rules too, and you can't just pay no heed just because it's not 'you'. And not just society, in a very small scope like meeting people or helping a stranger; there are things that you suppose to do in order to make it work. And more often than not, you don't like doing that. And it works when it's subverted as well. One can act ferocious and cold and scary; sometimes they suppose to do that; maybe that's their job, or maybe they have their own motives (gaining respect, making a point, or something)

And for people who do that; who separate how they treat people based on their relationship or something like that; it's not that they're 'fake'.

It just comes naturally. A demand from society.

And personally, a demand from an insecure mind.

So no. I don't think 'formal' behaviors are fake. And no. I don't think that 'real' behaviors have to be shown to every single people and at any time you want to just because it's real.

And I don't make that theory up! I actually learnt that from high school. I don't know who the heck came up with this idea, but whoever they are, they nailed it.

Today, I met an interesting person.

Well, I meet interesting people everyday, but let's just say that this particular person is worth mentioning because this person reminds me of that particular info I received in class 3 years ago.

So yeah.

Not that I aced sociology; in fact, I sucked. That's why if anyone out there knows what the heck I'm talking about and doesn't think that I make any sense, feel free to point out the wrongs, thank you very much. Because not just I have this lesson three years ago and I sucked at sociology; I didn't do any research when writing this.

So there.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Halo! Selamat berlibur ya, dan selamat lebaran walaupun lain-lain harinya. Salut deh sama Indonesia, sankingkan multikulturalnya hari lebaran aja beda-beda hehehehe (ini serius) tapi biar beda-beda juga tetep sayang ya, jangan berantem. Mama sama papa saya juga seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya lebaran di hari yang berbeda lagi lho. Mama sama papa saya itu memang epitom bhinneka tunggal ika. Ikut lebaran yang mana saja tidak masalah, kan yang penting punya dasar yang jelas dan yakin; bukan ikut-ikutan.

Dan seperti tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini saya mudik lho. Mudik kali ini spesial soalnya kakak dan adek sepupu saya yang sempat saya sebut di post-post lama ikutan juga, setelah 5 tahun nggak lebaran bareng. Ngomong-ngomong mudik juga, saya jadi menyadari ternyata kebiasaan saya menggunakan nama dan bukan kata ganti orang ketiga itu memang tidak setidak-wajar yang saya pikir. Hampir semua sepupu saya menggunakan nama atau panggilan (baca: Kakak, Adek, Ayuk) untuk menyebut diri sendiri. Padahal semenjak saya masuk dunia kampus saya berusaha mengubah kebiasaan saya itu karena jarang yang menggunakan lho, yah, memang ada tuntutan lain juga sih. Tapi yah, begitulah. Mungkin itu kebiasaan daerah ato apalah.

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Yuk Alin, Kak Sheila, Fauzan, Fajar, Andini, Kak Firli, Rani (Kami bertujuh ini lahir di 6 tahun yang berurutan; Yuk Alin '91, Kak Firli '92, Kak Sheila '93, rani '94, Fajar '95, Dini dan Fauzan '96.)

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Fajar, Dini

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Yuk Alin, rani

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Fajar, Fauzan, Yuk Alin, rani

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Dini, Kak Sheila, Kak Firli, Yuk Ani, Caca, Yuk Alin

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Fajar, Kak Sheila, Rani, Dini, Kak Firli, Yuk Ani, Yuk Alin

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Dini, Kak Sheila

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Yuk Ani, Yuk Alin, Caca, Dini, Rani, Firman, Fajar, Kak Firli

Waktu bersama sepupu-sepupu saya merupakan waktu-waktu termenyenangkan di masa kecil saya (sekarang juga masih menyenangkan), karena sewaktu saya kecil memang tidak seru-seru amat, isinya dibully, kerjaannya salah orang, di adu-domba oleh tetangga, kehidupan SD penuh drama; dan selain keluarga saya dan kucing saya yang menghibur cuma sepupu-sepupu saya ini saya punya cerita-cerita menarik.

Sebenarnya saya juga dekat dengan sepupu dari keluarga papa saya, dan yang ini lebih eksklusif, karena yang ini 94liners. Tapi mungkin ceritanya ada untuk lain kali. :) Yang jelas liburan kali ini menyenangkan! Semoga liburan kalian juga!