Sunday, February 19, 2017

It's hard not to care, no

I wish I could care less. But it's really hard not to when you know stuffs.

Things I know nag me.

Demand my attention. Sometimes they demand me to do something.

Sometimes I know better not to. But knowing is not enough. It does not stop them from nagging me most of the time.

Though why would it be? Consciousness is like, what, a small percent of your being. The important stuff that you do to keep yourself alive are not even done consciously. I mean, how conscious you are to keep your heart beating? Certainly not very. Not even the never ending battles of your immune system. Sometimes not the excretion of hormones that enables you to, um, feel stuff.

So when things I know bugs me, and I know that I shouldn't even bothered, but I am anyway,

those are one of the times when I know that there are things about me that I don't know.

And probably never know. Ever.

But it's fine. I don't think it is my purpose in life to have everything figured out. I don't think there actually is a purpose in life, but I guess that's the reason why it's nice to custom one yourself. Or just, you know. Leave it to that.

Saturday, February 18, 2017