Saturday, October 27, 2018

It's painful

I am sad. I often am, but I rarely express that I am sad, often because the feelings of sadness quickly turns into resignation and well, what do you expect from this world?

But sometimes I am hurt, and thus I am sad.

I wonder if I am not so alone, will I be better?

But even in company of a person who knows you really well, you are different. There can only be so much words to describe things, there can only be so many things from your head you can articulate, and another person can only understand so much.

Sometimes I wish some people, some things, will understand. But they will never. Not only because the many barriers of encoding and decoding a message. Sometimes I don't understand it too.

Some other times, I don't even want to understand. I just want to cease the thought. Cease the feelings.

Anyway. I should have known. I know that I am alone in my thoughts and alone in my feelings. I am never quite sure that I want to have a company for it. Sounds intrusive. It just that I


sometimes wish that I don't think so much. Or feel so much.

It's painful.

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