Wednesday, March 28, 2012


"Well, unlike you, I'm not open and personal to everyone!"
-a friend

Well. Isn't that just the case.

I'm said to be open and personal, I did a lot of self-disclosures but believe me. I know what I've shared and I won't share things that I know would hurt me. I'm not stupid.

People sometimes misunderstood the way I share the so-called personal things. Whatever the case, whatever their perception of it (the way me being open and all that) I don't particularly care.

I know what's a big deal for me and what's not. I decided them myself. Just because others are uncomfortable sharing things I did, doesn't mean what I've shared is a big deal.

What I do isn't an act so people know me better. Well, it was sort of a part of the outcome, (for those who cares) but that's not what I intended. There's a lot more thing to that. The fact that I shared a lot of things doesn't mean I don't have anything left to keep. Or anything left to share with special people only.

And that's all folks!

And no. I'm not mad.

And no, it's not you.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


It was March 16th 2012. They are great. Social 2013 is also very supportive. Their cooperation really made my day. Proud!


Three generations of our one and only 8's social class, 2011-2012-2013
(and the PE teacher)

Falleg Sýning

I'll forget what they did and said, but I won't forget what they made me feel.

I was sick, (really, I was) a slight fever, a wheezy throat and runny nose. I was nauseous. I ate a lot of... medicine. Even 5 minutes before it started. But. Well. It's a different case altogether after it begun.

My hands tingling. I cried a little.

I hurt my wrist just the morning before, three angry red lines screaming but not really.

I've never thought of how it has this, this much effect over me.

I wanna say love and maybe it was. But not yet. Maybe later.

But well!

I'll remember.