Wednesday, March 28, 2012


"Well, unlike you, I'm not open and personal to everyone!"
-a friend

Well. Isn't that just the case.

I'm said to be open and personal, I did a lot of self-disclosures but believe me. I know what I've shared and I won't share things that I know would hurt me. I'm not stupid.

People sometimes misunderstood the way I share the so-called personal things. Whatever the case, whatever their perception of it (the way me being open and all that) I don't particularly care.

I know what's a big deal for me and what's not. I decided them myself. Just because others are uncomfortable sharing things I did, doesn't mean what I've shared is a big deal.

What I do isn't an act so people know me better. Well, it was sort of a part of the outcome, (for those who cares) but that's not what I intended. There's a lot more thing to that. The fact that I shared a lot of things doesn't mean I don't have anything left to keep. Or anything left to share with special people only.

And that's all folks!

And no. I'm not mad.

And no, it's not you.

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