Saturday, February 2, 2013

So I was talking to my mother....

"Mom. I think I'm sick. My heart beats faster at random times--and I really meant random times--so bad that there's one time I can't sleep because of that."

"You're not sick. There's must be something bothering you. Inside your head. Something that you want to be done and over with."

"But! Random times! I don't think I thought of anything similar at those times."

"Dear, your body... every organ inside you, doesn't lie. You can be convinced that you're okay but your body certainly doesn't think so. You're stressed."

"...I thought I'm having heart attack."

"Young people who have heart attack usually got it from birth, and they don't have their heart beat fast at random times. It happens all the time. And they got tired easily. You don't."


"95% of sickness comes from the mind, dear."

1 comment:

Muhammad Irfan Perdana said...

Heart attack... I'm still snickering because of that! :P