Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Hi everyone! Please pardon me for this shameless promotion but this site is great and I'm desperate so here goes!

What is MangaMagazine.net, you ask? 
 photo MangaMagazine-Sidetrans_zps9364ac81.png

MangaMagazine.net is the home of top quality original manga and comics. You see, it's basically a site where you could put up your comics for free and read for free to! Well yeah, it's like a collection of webcomics! But not really. You know why? Because unlike sites that are for free, you as an author, contributing to this site, can actually make money out of your comics! The idea was if your work is popular and good enough to be featured, or interesting enough to be subscribed and paid by others who read it! And! You decide whether it's worth your attention, or your money!

Of course, if you as an author decided to sell your comic through subscriptions you pay some fees too. But generally you can enjoy and post stuffs here for free! (Albeit maybe slower than those who paid. Duh, they paid!) But you see, the site screen good comics all the time so we as readers only get the best ones! That's why it says 'top quality' up there. The site is also user friendly and I myself got hooked on a few titles there, but sadly, I can't subscribe because I have difficulties as to spend my money there.

But then, it doesn't stop here!

MangaMagazine.net is so nice, they give you free one month subscription if you help them promoting the sites (which is exactly what I do)! They understand that some of the readers might not... be fortunate enough to actually subscribe this comics so they give alternatives that actually benefit both sides! Cool right?

Now, you see what I'm talking about? MangaMagazine.net gives opportunity for artist with talents to actually make money out of their works, in this case, comics. They provide a good site; easy to browse and nice archives and very reader friendly to use. They also gives the best reads that us reader can try on; so we should have no fear wasting time for some crappy stuffs. That, and the reader can always read for free, but those who paid really get more benefit. Fair, yeah? And for those who really want to get those benefit without having to pay, you can actually do some promotions so MangaMagazine.net can broaden their field of readers and all that!

So, if you interested in original comics, you might want to check it out also! My favorite is Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet (it's awesome), This is Not Fiction and Sakana! Browse through it you might some fun stuffs too!



GitarRingsek said...

macem ngomik.com berarti ini ya? apa beda?

Komang said...

wah keren nih :D

chop said...

Wah iya tepat sekali! Bisa dibilang, Ngomik.com adalah versi lokal dari MM.net. Karena itu MM.net readershipnya lebih luas dan terdapat fitur terjemahan untuk komik-komik tertentu. Mungkin bedanya hanya di MM.net, konten yang bisa di nikmati pada komik premium lebih banyak dibandingkan Ngomik.com yang hanya sekitar 5 halaman saja (CMIIW). Kebijakan lainnya sih, hanya 11-12 saja bedanya :)

GitarRingsek said...

wkwk iya juga, di ngomik.com kadang ada pengarang yang "pelit" lol
paham sih kenapa mereka pelitnya


rani submit karya juga kesitu?

chop said...

Enggak hehe aku kan nggak buat komik :')