Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thank You, Everyone!

Hello, everyone!

I really like the fact that most of me writing things in this blog is an act of escapism from the assignments or studies that I have to do. I love the fact that maybe I can do something more productive than writing blogs though, like practicing things that I used to be good at and now not so much. But then again, maybe it's not so good after all, since I really have to do my assignments and study for final exams next week.

I went through photos again today. I went through old photos a lot.

Just like this blog, I love seeing them again and again to remind me of what of me that has changed and what of me that stays (I am very concerned with my personal growth so please excuse me). But other than that, I'm also very happy that every time I saw them, I realized that there are more lovely people that has entered my life and made my days even brighter and more fun to live in. I realized that there are more people that I come to treasure and whom I prayed their happiness for. I'm so happy.

It flies very fast; the time. Well. Then again, I guess it just seems so because I'm spending it happily.

It's really funny that everything is so very fun and the people are so very sweet--I feel like the universe is trying to spoil me (to the fact that I'm scared that it would crumble one time and then throw me into a pit of despair just like how the universe can be very cruel but let's not get into that). But I think that in a way the universe is a little bit cruel by letting everything ends--making you experience parting with the moment you cherish and people you finally come to love, even when you feel like you own it--but I guess it goes hand in hand with it giving you unpleasant things and letting you part with it and become stronger, cooler, and more mature as it pasts, so... okay.

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who has been generous enough to smile at me, talk to me nicely, hear my incessant noise, share stories and views with me, laugh at my jokes, wave at me, hug me tightly, kiss me on the cheek--despite all of our differences in everything. Thank you for giving me invaluable life lessons and thank you for making me feel welcomed, happy and loved.

I'm so happy. I hope all of you can always be happy and for all of your dreams to come true. I wish for all of your health and fortune, and for your life to be filled with lots of love.


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