Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Happy Enough

People want to be happy. Yes?

I am sure this thing called happiness is something that can’t be measured and varied for each person. For example: I am happy because… say, I have an owl. You may as well have an owl, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll be happy as I am. Right? Maybe for you, having an owl is not a big deal. Maybe for you, having an owl is boring. Or maybe for you, having an owl is one of best things in your life. Hmm.. this example thing is kinda hard. To put it more simple, let’s say… I have a private jet, I’m happy. You don’t have a private jet. You’re happy too. Because although this private jet is my source of happiness, not having a private jet doesn’t make you less happy than you are now.

Not just an owl or private jet. There's so many things that you can be happy about. Like, a dog, a perfect husband, cute babies, a warm house, money, a good job, loyal friends, a trip to a zoo, a nice photograph of a crush, money, glossy car, a thrilling affair, healthy kidneys, considerate in-laws, a lovely piece of cheesecake, and… did I mention money? Yeah, that too.

So why bother being envious towards others? Why bother being jealous? People can be happy over one or two things we don’t even need, why should we pursue it?

Sometimes, you already have those things you need to be happy. You’re just too busy looking around, looking for what you didn’t have and starting to imitate other people’s version of happiness when you have your own.

It's silly to tell that a person can't be happy because they don't have enough stuff. You can be happy anytime. If you want to be happy, don't wait; be happy now.

"People who want happy endings have to write their own."
— Paine, Final Fantasy X-2

Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Friday


Besok rani dan teman-teman tes. Agak nggak ngerti juga, mungkin karena kebiasaan banget gitu ya ngerjain soal dan ulangan dan TO dan seleksi jadi udah nggak kerasa apa-apa lagi besok mau ada apapun nggak ada bedanya sama hari-hari biasa. Entah ini atau rani mau gila, mungkin juga ini memang yang dialami orang pada umumnya ya: Bosen. Kalo dipikir-pikir sekarang belajar pun rasanya menjemukan, padahal yang nggak ngerti juga masih banyak. Semangat rani juga nggak tau ketinggalan di mana, di laci meja rani cuma ketemu buku absen kelas. Terus kan tema BT kelas rani ternyata mirip gitu kan sama aksel, udah settle sih jadinya kaya gimana, tapi sebenernya rani kecewa juga soalnya pihak lain nggak berusaha buat mengurangi syarat mereka padahal kelas rani udah sengaja ngilangin supaya ada pembedanya. Hah, yaudahlah nggak papa juga, kecil amat masa yang kayak gini pake pusing. Terus ada yang seru banget deh hari ini. rani dibeliin es krim. Dua. Jadi rani dibeliin dua es krim dari dua orang yang berbeda. rani nggak nyangka rani dapet es krim beneran padahal. Terus rani dibeliin minum. Sama orang yang beda lain. Mereka keren! Orang-orang dermawan yang semoga aja masuk surga terus hidupnya bahagia dunia akhirat.

Oh ya, terus kemarin rani mimpi les terus ada banyak orang mau nikah, nikahnya sama macem-macem terus ada yang mau nikah sama kucing; perempuan terus mau nikah sama kucing (yang kayaknya sih cowok, nggak ngecek juga sih), lucu banget kucingnya warnanya abu-abu gitu tapi ternyata di kepalanya ada ulat bulu. Tadi sore pas pulang sekolah dikasih liat guru rani tanaman kering gitu kan, itu mirip banget sama ulat bulu yang diatas kepala kucing di mimpi rani. Lucu kan. Ternyata yang rani pikir ulat bulu diatas kepala kucing itu tanaman kering di depan kelas rani.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Fun

I met a lovely person today. A lovely kid. A lovely.. baby. She's 7 months of age. And a real belle. Met her at the cinema. I'm not a really kid person, but she took my heart away. It seems that she likes me too!

I didn't get a chance to take her picture. And I regret it so. She's lovely. My. I want a baby like her! She's so cute I want to eat her alive. Aaaaaaa.

Oh yeah, her name's Ashley.

Oh, and I watched The Green Hornet today. Entertaining and pretty funny (in a way), but not that fabulous because as far as I care; Jay Chou made it awesome, but the protagonist burn it all to dust. I mean, one good thing about this person is.. he has a lot of money (and it's actually his father's). Oh, and he has an awesome sidekick. Which makes it two but that's because I'm nice. So I take my words back. The Green Hornet rocks, because Jay Chou stole the spotlight. Even though he need more practice in speaking English. Still, I'm glad I watched this. I missed Jay Chou. His appearance in the movie and my lovely meeting with Ashley made my day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mature Content

I know being 17 and all; I should probably, have matured. Have I? Arguable. But I know that there's this thought (some what cocky) that I'm more mature that most of teens my age... and of course, it's just a thought. "I may not act like one but I think to some extent I can considered myself as mature" or so I thought. (As if)

To be honest, I think 'I've matured!' feeling is kind of normal for teenagers since, well, they are teenagers (like duh) and you know how teenagers like. They're weird! Really! But I'm sure that every single teenager in this world had had this thought. Or feeling. Whatever it should be. Like,I'm old enough for this thing! or I know what I'm doing! or I've grown up, stop asking me where I went or some sort. And for my case, it goes when I realize that somewhere out there, there are 17 years old teenagers bullying their friends, showing off expensive gadgets after whining for some time to their parents, talking so rude because of differences in opinion or race or religion, making things up to be popular, drinking and smoking to be cool... while I don't. Well, I don't really understand how's that make me mature, but.. I just feel like it when I think about that. I mean, can't people see how nasty those things are when they were shown in sinetron? Or teenage dramas? Still doing it while knowing how useless and corny those things are is what I considered as immature, if not plain stupid.

So, after this thought craved in my mind for some time, I have a conversation with a friend. And the result is.. I realized that I can't handle immaturity pretty well. I'm the kind of person that probably won't shut up if I was coincidentally engaged in some heated argument over something silly. I probably will slap a kid in his/her face for being rude, or kick them back if they kick me (which I did, some time in my younger years, and that is not.. so long ago). There's so many other examples I would like to point but can't due to lack of memory. So to make long story short, let's just say that.. when people actually did those things I had mentioned above (those sinetron thing) I just.. I don't know how to deal with those, I guess. And as I said to my friend, I guess the fact that I can't handle immaturity proves my own immaturity. So much for being mature, haha. I can't even tell when to stop talking or when to pinch a kid.

Like I said. Now that I'm 17 and all, I should probably have matured. But I guess I haven't yet, and I'm fine with it. But still, I think I become more and more mature after each day passed, so if until this moment it is not something considered as maturity by society I couldn't careless; I am growing up, and I can cope with the thought of being mature later on.

Besides, being immature is not bad. In fact, it's kinda cuddly, like pillows. (?)

Thank heaven for little girls
for little girls get bigger every day!
Thank heaven for little girls
they grow up in the most delightful way!
— Gigi, Opening Song