Saturday, April 30, 2011

Save teh Earth?

You think you own whatever land you land on; The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name. You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you.. - Colors of the Wind, Vanessa Williams

Silly, we aren't destroying the earth. We can't. Mother nature has her own way to fix things, whatever damage we caused. In fact, if there's anything to be destroyed, it's us. Humans. What we did aren't things that will destroy the earth; the earth will just turn into an environment that is not as friendly as before, and I suppose that'll cause us disadvantages. Like, I don't know, tsunamis? Typhoon? Unstoppable mud from the center of the earth? Caterpillar outbreaks? Supernova? Poverty? Something like that.

Mother nature can take care of herself.

Can we?

Hey! We're the helpless one here.

You can own the Earth and still all you'll own is Earth until you can paint with all the colors of the wind. - Colors of the Wind, Vanessa Williams (Pocahontas, anyone?)

image: google images

p.s. I like that song.

Monday, April 25, 2011

for the sake of wasting time

Hi!! Eating ice cream before bed time caused this. I can't sleep. Well, it's not that late yet but still counts.

Mitton is a male. He is kinda old... kinda. He's just eight; nine this year. Or maybe.. nine, and ten this year? I kinda lost count. I like to tell myself it's not that old yet but people around me beg to differ. They goes "WHAT?? EIGHT? That's OLD!" or something along those lines. Kitties on youtube are way older. They died when they were eighteen or something. I even read an article about.. a grandma who lived together with her kitty for 22 years (it's that or said kitty was 22) and all that. So there. Mitton... I think Mitton haven't been laid. Since... forever? Which is... weird. Because he's kinda old. I mean, don't cats have some period of having mates once or twice a year or something? Dunno. And did you know that homosexual behavior in animals exists? I read an article about that recently too. I will never see penguin the same again. I wonder if Mitton is homosexual. Maybe he's asexual. My father said that there's this time where he was trapped in the same cage with a bunch of female kitties and he looked absolutely terrified, like... I don't know. Something. Or so my father said (emphasis here) but I am no homophobic so if Mitton (actually) needs a male partner I wouldn't say no. I really want Mitton to have a friend, or partner, or mate, or kids or anything to keep him company. I won't be there for him forever and neither will he. I hope he never felt lonely when I wasn't around. I don't know whether he'll miss me if I'm not around but I'm sure I'll miss him if he's not around anymore. He's really nice. And I really really like him.

And typing about this make me sleepy. I'm sure it doesn't make sense.


p.s. For your amusement, here's a picture of Mitton smelling a flower.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Something Different

NE's over. So there.

Not that it changed anything, really. I slept at my usual time (12-1 am-ish), studied at my usual pace (10 minutes-an hour --if I'm lucky-- before bed time) ate like a pig, and so on. I went to some dinner place with my family D-1, having a mundane conversation like we usually did. Which what we did last night as well. But last night, something was... different.

I mean, we usually don't have a middle aged woman looking at us across the table.

I tried not to care but it's hard if you feel someone staring at you! Or you and your family. I thought maybe she's just staring off into space that just happened to be our table, but after we left, I asked if anyone notice her and my family confirmed that she was indeed staring at us. We were having a nice and bubbly conversation, but it's not like we're the only one who did. And we were not that loud either. So why? Because she was there alone, eating pancakes with her laptop and files over the table? I've seen many people who went to a restaurant or cafe alone to finish their work, but not to observe a little family having dinner together.

I don't know what to feel either. I mean, it was creepy but at the same time, it was kinda sad. It was sad to see her alone while we were together, and by any means we're not just there together. We actually had nice chat, a nice quality time without typing things on our gadgets. I was.. proud by that fact and flattered of a chance that she might be jealous of our relationship, but bitter at the same time. Because if that's the case... that's sad, right?

I didn't see her expression (it would be awkward if our eyes met, wouldn't it?) so I didn't know what to expect. Maybe she did just staring off into space that just happened to be out table. Or maybe she was thinking about how pretty we girls are (hahaha, fat chance), or maybe she was amazed by the complexity of our conversation (or lack there of). Just.. yeah, anyway.

When we were in Semarang (my kindergarten and elementary school days), we hung out almost every weekdays, and on almost every weekend we go on a trip. To the beach, to Jogja, Solo, Demak, somewhere out of the town. When we moved to Jakarta, we couldn't do that anymore. But we managed to have weekends for ourselves and some of the weekdays eating out together. After I went to highschool, my dad have to work in Makassar, my sister got a position in student council, we couldn't go out that much. Once or twice a week. Sometimes not, because I have 3 subsi, I joined LKS and there are so many things have to be done, and sometimes my father couldn't return from Makassar, and my sister have things on her own too, as well as my mother.

But I think that doesn't change many things; our lack of meetings. Infact, I feel that we grew closer. Maybe absence does make hearts grow fonder haha. But really. Now that I might go to a university in the other town, my mother taking her graduate program, my sister graduating (insyaAllah) middle school and whatnot, I don't know what to expect. Just hoping for the best, whatever it is.

This is kinda sentimental and I blame that middle aged women for staring.

And now that NE's over, I demand reunions! I miss my elementary school friends, my middle school friends, my national economic olympad friends and so on. And I miss the so bad! Want to give 'em a super big hug and take loads of pictures!

Owl: [Reciting the letter] Dear Tigger, just a note to say:...
Kanga: ...dress warmly...
Winnie The Pooh: well...
Piglet: ...stay safe and sound...
Eeyore: ...keep smiling...
Roo: We're always there for you.
Owl: Signed
Everyone: Your family.
- The Tigger Movie

p.s. I cried at that part.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


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IPS = Ilmu Pengetahuan Senang-senang.

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir kegiatan belajar mengajar di 8, kalo bukan demikian di SMA yang lain. Berhubung hari ini terakhir, kami, IPS 8 2011 berpesta!!! JAAAAAA (nada jerman)

Bukan karena seneng masa SMA ini berakhir (insyaAllah), tapi daripada galau kayak remaja labil biasa kenapa nggak membuatnya menyenangkan mumpung masih ada kesempatan, ya nggaaak?? Dan kami pun berpesta. Beneran.

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Oke kami belajar dikit. Tapi sisanya kami berpesta. PARTAAAY.

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Kami mengumpulkan makanan sama minuman! rani bawa pepsi blue, teman rani yang lain ada juga bawa soda lain yang banyak, bawa ciki-cikian juga banyaaak terus ada yang bawa skotel makaroni, ada yang bawa bola-bola coklat, ada yang bawa mi jawa, ada yang bawa custard pudding!! (favorite maximale) Abis itu pesen pizza.

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Pizzanya 10 loyang seinget rani. WHOAAA SENENGKAAN. Banyak makanannya terus setelah itu kami ngajak IPS 2012 jugaaa jadi kami pesta bukan seangkatan lagi, tapi satu generasi! YEIIYEYEEE IPS 2011/12 woyy!

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Abis itu kami foto bareng. SATU GENERASI! :DDD Hidup IPS Delapaaan!!

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Padahal udah foto satu generasi; 2 angkatan. Segini doang orangnya hahahaha.

Tiga loyang pizzanya kami kasih ke ruang guru, terus kami pamit-pamit dan minta doa guru-guru (serombongan kayak ikan sarden), di lapangan temen-temen yang lain juga mengikuti jejak kami, foto foto dilapangan, sampe-sampe rani bertemu lagi dengan cinta pertama SMA rani (blargh) X-D!! Terus foto juga.

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XD 2011!! (kurang lengkap sih namanya juga spontan)

Karena kami sangat heboh dan banyak di lapangan ada seorang oknum (entah siapa rani nggak tau kan rani terbawa massa) yang memprakarsai tos di lapangan yang kemudian didahului dengan doa yang dipimpin oleh ketua schoolympic 2010 kami!

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Rame banget foto yang rani dapet cuma segelintir abis repot minta fotoin dari atas beuuh keren deh terus abis kita doa kita tos sambil menyerukan "2011 2011 2011!!!" Hahahaha third time's the charm, kan?

Abis itu foto-foto lagi banyak, foto Mesis, foto Pramuka, foto rani bareng macem-macem temen rani. Foto temen-temen rani. Foto guru-guru. Foto bareng guru-guru. Tapi daripada fotonya, yang benar-benar bikin bangga dan senang dan menggetarkan hati itu ya momennya. Pas 2011 bersebaran di lapangan, pas 2011 tos, pas pada foto-foto, pas pada salam-salam. Waah. Kayak.. bener-bener terakhir ya. Maksudnya, besok senin juga ke sekolah lagi, bakal ketemu lagi juga. WAAAH jadi sedih dikit deh kalo diinget huu ya nggak papa. Padahal belum pisah tapi sekarang aja udah kangen ternyata :''' 2011 oke banget! Bangga jadi bagian dari 2011, hari terakhir kegiatan belajar mengajar delapan super mengesankan deh! Super mengesankan hari ini nggak kerasa tiba-tiba jam segini.

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tadi super rame, pas rani foto nggak se-rame sebelumnya.

Hari ini super senang dan super kenyang. Dan super banyak foto. Ada sekitar 500 foto yang rani ambil hari ini, sekitar 300nya adalah foto party IPS doang. Rekor ngambil foto terbanyak rani. Dari semua-semuanya memang sudah sepantasnya semuanya super karena 8 2011 memang SUPER!


Puisi norak:

Delapan 2011, interseksi-interseksi yang terbentuk dari keragaman kita telah membuat kita terintegrasi, aku yakin keberadaanmu di hatiku akan sama halnya seperti patahan pada kurva pasar oligopoli, dan apabila kata-kata cintaku kuteruskan maka huruf-hurufnya akan sangat banyak hingga mencapai stratosfer jika disusun secara vertikal keatas. Cintaku padamu bagaikan tan 90 derajat. Aku akan sin/cos delapan 2011!! Tidak ada fractura hepatica lebih parah dari perpisahan bersamamu.................................. (bingung ngelanjutin apalagi)

btw itu ngasal.



Image and video hosting by TinyPic rani dan Romy. Lucu kan namanya ber-rima gitu terus inisialnya lucu gitu RRRRRR kayak marah hahaha (apasi) Romy adalah pengajar ekonomi terbaik dan terkeren dalam sejarah rani diajarin ekonomi. Tanpa Romy rani nggak dapet medali deh kayaknya heheheh. Dia sangat keren. Dia dapet MIT, University of Virginia USA, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign USA, University of Minnesotta, Twin Cities, MN, USA, NUS&NTU Singapore. Oh ya belum bilang, kalo nggak kenal, dia juga yang dapet emas 1 OSN Ekonomi 2010. Hahaha, nanti pas udah gede ketemuan rani udah dapet Pulitzer dan Tony dia udah dapet Nobel. (ngayal)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic rani, Ibam dan Priyo! Kami ini tiga serangkai pengendara sepeda pertama 2011 lho. Nggak deng itu Priyo. Terus baru rani sama Ibam. Tapi karena sepaket jadi anggep aja bareng ya. Pas kelas X mulainya. Waktu itu fixie belum tenar jadi pulang sekolah naik sepeda belum terlalu keren, hahaha. Terus kami pulang searah jadi pulangnya bareng deh. Lucu kan bertiga terus pas dijalan padahal naik sepeda tapi sambil ngobrol pulangnya (nggak lucu). Aduh super kangen deh jaman-jaman itu. Unyu. Sekarang yang pake sepeda di 8 udah banyak! Bahkan ada tempet parkir sendiri.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic rani dan Trigan. Trigan ini teman sebangku rani pas rani kelas X lhooooooo (girang) dulu rani pas sebangku sama Trigan sering banget ngobrol macem-macem (aneh) terus seru banget ngobrolnya, kangen banget aaaaa ya ampun terus rani sering diajarin juga, terus rani diajarin macem-macem juga terus belajar banyak deh sama Trigan. KANGEN BANGET.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic rani dan Priyo. Temen rani pulang sekolah. rani punya banyak baaanget temen pulang sekolah (ada banyak versi, ada Yudis dan Noni, ada Ibam dan Priyo, ada Acha dan Icha, masing-masing beda kendaraan; sabi kaan) dan ada satu versi lagi dan ini adalah versi Priyo. Karena kalo diakumulasiin 3 tahun nih ya, Priyo yang paling sering pulang sama rani. Rumah rani deket rumah Priyo (agak) jadi pas turun naik angkot dibarengin dan kalo naik sepeda ngelewatin. Bakal kangen pulang bareng! Oh, dan makasih banyak Priyo selalu ngambil sisi luar jalan pas lagi jalan! (?) Nggak papa sih sebenernya nggak harus pindah-pindah juga heheh pokoknya makasih! (berasa Priyo baca blog rani)

rani dan IPS 8 2011. Dua tahun bersama orang-orang ini sungguh seru. Bakal kangen nonton film bareng, nonton Running Man bareng, nonton orang main bareng, main game menemukan barang bareng, foto bareng, duduk sama Lika (?), berisiknya juga kangen, kangen jaket kembaran, main kartunya juga kangen, latian senamnya juga kangen, foto bt nya juga kangen, perpisahannya Armedi juga kangen, bikin tulisan buat Ms. Aulianya juga kangen, semua-semuanya deh dikangenin pokoknya seru. Nggak nyesel masuk IPS. Bahagia jasmani rohani hati spiritual otak mental otot akal jiwa pikiran deh di IPS, sehat IQ EQ SQ kayak apaan tau deh (ngasal) pokoknya FUN FUN FUN FUN lebih seru dari Friday-nya Rebecca Black (?)
Jadi bagian dari IPS itu SUPER. Jadi bagian dari 8 2011 itu SPEKTAKULER. Jadi bagian dari IPS 8 2011: SUPER BLAST. Lebih besar dari Big Bang.

I thought the last day of high school would be the best day of my life until I realized what I'd be leaving. —Zack Morris, Saved By The Bell