Friday, April 22, 2011

Something Different

NE's over. So there.

Not that it changed anything, really. I slept at my usual time (12-1 am-ish), studied at my usual pace (10 minutes-an hour --if I'm lucky-- before bed time) ate like a pig, and so on. I went to some dinner place with my family D-1, having a mundane conversation like we usually did. Which what we did last night as well. But last night, something was... different.

I mean, we usually don't have a middle aged woman looking at us across the table.

I tried not to care but it's hard if you feel someone staring at you! Or you and your family. I thought maybe she's just staring off into space that just happened to be our table, but after we left, I asked if anyone notice her and my family confirmed that she was indeed staring at us. We were having a nice and bubbly conversation, but it's not like we're the only one who did. And we were not that loud either. So why? Because she was there alone, eating pancakes with her laptop and files over the table? I've seen many people who went to a restaurant or cafe alone to finish their work, but not to observe a little family having dinner together.

I don't know what to feel either. I mean, it was creepy but at the same time, it was kinda sad. It was sad to see her alone while we were together, and by any means we're not just there together. We actually had nice chat, a nice quality time without typing things on our gadgets. I was.. proud by that fact and flattered of a chance that she might be jealous of our relationship, but bitter at the same time. Because if that's the case... that's sad, right?

I didn't see her expression (it would be awkward if our eyes met, wouldn't it?) so I didn't know what to expect. Maybe she did just staring off into space that just happened to be out table. Or maybe she was thinking about how pretty we girls are (hahaha, fat chance), or maybe she was amazed by the complexity of our conversation (or lack there of). Just.. yeah, anyway.

When we were in Semarang (my kindergarten and elementary school days), we hung out almost every weekdays, and on almost every weekend we go on a trip. To the beach, to Jogja, Solo, Demak, somewhere out of the town. When we moved to Jakarta, we couldn't do that anymore. But we managed to have weekends for ourselves and some of the weekdays eating out together. After I went to highschool, my dad have to work in Makassar, my sister got a position in student council, we couldn't go out that much. Once or twice a week. Sometimes not, because I have 3 subsi, I joined LKS and there are so many things have to be done, and sometimes my father couldn't return from Makassar, and my sister have things on her own too, as well as my mother.

But I think that doesn't change many things; our lack of meetings. Infact, I feel that we grew closer. Maybe absence does make hearts grow fonder haha. But really. Now that I might go to a university in the other town, my mother taking her graduate program, my sister graduating (insyaAllah) middle school and whatnot, I don't know what to expect. Just hoping for the best, whatever it is.

This is kinda sentimental and I blame that middle aged women for staring.

And now that NE's over, I demand reunions! I miss my elementary school friends, my middle school friends, my national economic olympad friends and so on. And I miss the so bad! Want to give 'em a super big hug and take loads of pictures!

Owl: [Reciting the letter] Dear Tigger, just a note to say:...
Kanga: ...dress warmly...
Winnie The Pooh: well...
Piglet: ...stay safe and sound...
Eeyore: ...keep smiling...
Roo: We're always there for you.
Owl: Signed
Everyone: Your family.
- The Tigger Movie

p.s. I cried at that part.

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