Thursday, May 26, 2011

rani facts

No one cares, but I just feel like writing random things I know about myself or somesort. Besides, it'll help when people finally recognize my awesomeness and decide to make my biography.

I don't like lizard. Because 1) I had found one freezing in my freezer. It killed my appetite. 2) They move so fast and kinda jerky; they make me want to kill them.

I can't sing. Really. Can't dance too. But that doesn't stop me from doing it.

I don't have any particular favorite of anything. Or at least not that I'm aware of. Oh, except in case of shipping. I'm a loyal shipper you see.

In our dining room, there are 5 chairs. For my father, mother, my sister and me. The last one is for Mitton, who joins us whenever he wants to.

My sister is very funny when she's irritated.

I like storytelling a lot. Sometimes I feel like reading a book or article so I could retell them to someone else.

I'm kinda awkward. But I like attention. Well, mostly.

I have a plush that looked like a Grandpa.

I'm confused why people here use word 'Dog' as an insult and not 'Hamster', when the former known for its loyalty and the latter ate their babies.

I don't know many people in my life; sometimes not even those whom I consider as friends or family. But meeting them and learning a glimpse of what they might be are super fun nonetheless.

I like referring myself (and most of people) with a name in conversation because that way, people will remember my name easier and the same goes for me. That, and I like names. It just happens that my name is my favorite.

It's not easy for me to sleep, even when I'm dead tired.

I really like it when my father and I share the same opinion, because I know he won't be sad over things I'm not sad at, won't be disappointed over things I'm not disappointed at and that makes me really happy. Because, you know, as much as I own this life of mine, I don't want to make my parents (or one of them) sad and disappointed because of it.

I rarely cried when I'm sad, I mostly cried out of frustration. And dramas and films and sappy stories. Things are sadder on screen and paper, I think.

Two of my favorite quote are my father's "These things don't matter; I know because I'm the living proof." and my mother's "I'm so proud of you."

I believe in miracles because I know I experienced a few. Actually, I might have experienced it all the time.

I still don't get why people pray in twitter. Does God have a twitter? (No offense intended, just curious)

It's easy to make mistakes and I'd never really mind that. But as I get older, things aren't so simple anymore and sometimes my mistakes annoy people and it's hard not to care when other people involved. Being yourself is one thing, but being selfish is way different.

When one of my friends came back from NSO 2009, he brought a bag with a print of NSO in front of it and used them to school. I told one of my friend, "Aww, that bag looks really cool. I wish I had one." and I joked "But you'll see me wearing them next year." And I did. I even got a medal along with it. Really funny, right? I didn't even mean it when I said that.

I made a note of quotes (and made up quotes that sounds funny) that amuse me. They're over 100 now.

I was three when my father dropped me from a piggyback and I got a severe bump in the head. A very severe bump; because road isn't exactly a place you want to hit your head to. I think that's one of the reason I haven't got my noble prize now.


Ginger Gina said...

Raani, aku juga masih inget pas Rani ngomong soal tas OSN ke aku ^^ (itu yang kamu ceritain di atas bukan sih?)
subhanallaah ya, ternyata kejadian beneran :) --> takdir hehe

chop said...

Iya bener Gin!! XD hahahahaa padahal rani cuma becandaan hahaha itu yang kejadian yang becandaan bagus