Monday, November 14, 2011


I can not sleep. Yet. Hopefully.

It doesn't bother me when I couldn't sleep around this time before. But tonight I got a lot of things in mind, I guess. Or maybe because I was having sort of horror marathon or something tod--uh, yesterday. Not that.. it bothers me much. Or maybe because I fell asleep around 5 p.m. just now? I don't know, whatever the reason is, I can not sleep. Yet. Hopefully.

Speaking of sleep, I have a few series of my favorite dreams. The most recent is the part of a dream where I dreamed about seeing a penguin and fishes and pretty animals sort-of parading in a sea while I'm watching in the beach.. or rocks, or whatever, with a friend and take a lots of picture with my cellphone. I woke up and then told others about it and told them that I'm glad I took pictures because I know that I can continue dreaming about it now that I have reminders. But that dream happened in a dream (meta-dream?), and maybe what I said doesn't work if it happened like that.

And I was hoping to see it again too. Sigh.

The other one is.. the part of a dream when I was in a hospital and saw cute and colorful stuff-animals like creatures dancing and singing under the full moon. I took pictures too! But the pictures were somehow not good enough and I wanted to go closer to them, but then I realized that they'll pretend to be dead when others were around so I held myself back and keep watching from my room's balcony. I wish I could join them. Singing and dancing under the full moon.

And that's it I guess. I might had have another but forgot about it due to lack of memory. I think I had a lot of amusing dreams--odd, but amusing. There were also weird and scary dreams I'm not really fond of, and thanks to my twisted memory priority slot, I usually still remember about them the whole day after waking up. Sometimes it stays until the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and it affects how my day goes too, unfortunately. Well, to be fair, it happened to every dreams I manage to remember, no matter what they are (scary or funny or both) and sometimes I wish I dont remember any.

Maybe, if I have enough motivation, I will make a good use of these.. dreams. Preferably make money.

Oh! And I remember another one of my favorite dreams! It's the part of a dream where I'm not included to the dream, and the dream was about a little girl and a banana (an anthropomorphic banana with goggles and gloves and shoes) and.. maybe a few odd friends, saving a planet. Or maybe universe. I'm not sure. They're really cute. In the end, the planet or universe was saved but the banana sacrifice himself so the girl can be saved or maybe so the girl can go back home, I forgot. But it was so sad and touching, to the point where after I wake up, I still remember his name. Not for long though. I managed to draw him in the back of my notebook when I was in school that day, even when I had already forgotten about his name when I drew him.

I should sleep and I really want to sleep. I want to have a long and fun dream where I don't have to be afraid.

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