Saturday, August 25, 2012

Another Mudik! (a.k.a Mudik Report)

I mudik again this year! But unlike before, you can't believe how bizarre this year mudik is. Okay, so first of all, two uncles from my mother side of family aren't with us to celebrate eid mubarak (just call it lebaran after this) this year; frankly, last year was their last Ramadhan. Second, one of my aunt from my father side of family (and her family too) is in the hospital in Jakarta at that moment. Third (and last); somehow, my mother and father's side of family BOTH have their own HOT TOPIC this year. Yanno, when you have a big family, like mine, when they're like 20 something people on one side of family and 40 something on the other (not counting parents' cousins and grandparents' siblings; that would be; ugh... probably the amount of people now times 3 or something; but we rarely talk about them. Ugh. UUGH. Okay maybe sometimes.), there're always something to talk about. And by something I meant gossip. Wait, since it's true, then it's not gossip. So there are always something to talk about, and we people love to talk and being nosy.

Not me. (Maybe a little)

But this year's topic is way hotter than a boiled water or whatever hot things I have in mind, especially the one in my mother's side of family part. Because it's including superstitious stuff and shaman and marriage and money and planning a murder. And it was so serious. So very serious. Serious Business, people. I can't believe I'm hearing those stuff they tell me because not just it sounds like come straight from sinetron, it also sounds like come straight from occult magazines (with a lot of perverse ad) I had stumbled upon when I was younger in one of my auntie's house. I can't believe I believe the stuff I'm hearing too. It was bizarre! Something you'd think you wouldn't hear in 2012. Like really! But I won't share any of it here HEHE.

And from my father's side of family... well.. it was nothing serious, really. Or maybe because the previous one had got all my attention.

So yeah, that's a little trivia of what I've been gossiping when I was in Palembang, teehee. So um, other than that, all of my cousins that are suppose to graduate from high school this year are getting into a good college. Congrats to that! Happy for them!

What I like about mudik and lebaran in my hometown is the fact that my aunties are great cooks. Really. In a day, I was like, eating more than 6 kinds of food. In every house I went to greet; I ate different food. None of them are ketupat. (Okay I lied I eat ketupat once and that's because the sauce smelled like heaven. One exception.) More than six! In one house (excluding pempek, and their homemade pempeks were heavenly too) I eat like 2 different stuff and I went to, like, more than 3 houses. Maybe five houses. Or seven; I forgot. And o angels in the mountain and sea, they taste great. I love mudik. (And I was so proud of that fact every time I heard people said they're fed up with ketupat and opor stuff.)

And! I found a lot of childhood photos! I look fat and cute but not too fat. And I don't look like a girl. Blame the hat. And my mother! She looks like a carbon copy of my sister in the photo! There's this photo where it looks like my sister who came from the future is holding me who came from the past. I don't know how old I was in there... but I know that it's the age where you have 5 teeth.

And then I realized that a lot of stuff have changed, and I'm old.

And yeah. I'm sorry for all mistakes that I've done; be it in person, on social media, or maybe stuff like grammatical mistakes or some fractal wrongness in everything. I made a lot of mistakes and sometimes I don't even care so please forgive me.

Have a pleasant holiday!

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