Monday, November 25, 2013

Dealing with People Who are Pretty Annoying

I hate it when I happen to be angry or annoyed at anyone, because, well. It's unpleasant. I don't like it. I'm not easily annoyed or angry, but when I do, I don't like it.

But, years having to deal with that, I learned to ease it (or erase it altogether), so I don't feel annoyed or angry anymore! And that's what I'm going to share here. This is what I do when shrugging things off doesn't cut it anymore. Maybe it'll help you too! Well. That, if you need one.

When it happens with people I don't know; (rarely happens) I usually try to curse them in my mind, but then I thought about me being cursed by things I did. I shuddered at the thought. So I change my mind and try to curse their parents instead (for they brought this kid to the world and they suck at educating them). And then I feel sorry for them because maybe it's not their fault after all; maybe these people are bad by nature and their parents had tried their best to make them good but to no avail. A sad thought, but hey! I don't feel angry or annoyed anymore. 

When it happens with people I know, but not close to; (pretty often; usually trivial things but annoying anyway) I always think that I'm not being fair; that I think so because I don't know them well enough. That I'm annoyed because it was them who did it and it would be different if people that are close to me did the same. And I'll imagine so; imagine that the said action were done by people close to me. And then I'd thought, "Hey, what they did wasn't so bad after all". I won't feel angry or annoyed anymore.

When it happens with people I'm close to; (happens a lot, and usually because of pretty big and sensitive things) I try to imagine that they will die tomorrow. I try to imagine what life would be if they weren't here anymore. Usually I'd regret having the said anger or annoyance in the first place, that I love them too much to be bothered by those little things that make me angry or whatever. So yeah.

If those doesn't work, there are two alternatives (in which I very rarely did) I have in sleeve. And these two applies to every category I've mentioned.

First alternative, I tried to imagine that they will have a very gruesome and graphic death just in a blink of an eye, a punishment by God and a counter-attack by universe--a very awful death--one that makes me feel bad for them and instead of anger, I feel pity. 

Or, I would remind myself that I'm going to die sooner or later, that they actually don't matter but for a while. Nothing to be worked up about.

And voila!

I'm not angry or annoyed anymore!

Pretty simple right? I actually had a lot of thoughts to distract me from being annoyed or angry, but these are things that, well. I think will work for most people :] Or is it?

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