Thursday, July 21, 2011

Post of good news'


So. Mm first I want to tell you guys a really great news!

Did you remember about a post where I put up a pict of a chocolate? Yeah? You did? Karen, the one who gave me that, made it to HI UI through SIMAK. YEEEEY. That was her dream, and it came true, and I'm sooo happy. Because she deserved it! I prayed for her! She's a really wonderful person, I'll be really sad if she didn't make it. BUT SHE DID AND THAT'S ALL WHAT MATTERS.


So yeah. That's one good news.

Another good news is, tho I already posted it before (and after some thought I erased it because I'm to lazy to update but yeah) and it's kinda.. old, because, well, some of my friends got accepted to college since, err uh, a long time ago; but well! It's the progress that I want to point out and, see for yourself.

I'm not the kind of person who sees that.. much of necessity of getting into college, I mean, 'All roads lead to Rome', yes? But I'm still happy that a lot of my friends did.. And not just my high school friends! My friends from NSO also! And and and... my friends in general. Either way, I'm proud and I'm happy for them.

Another good news, I'm still alive!

Another good news, mmm, to think from anything that could be a good news (and that's a LOT, including how I go unmurdered by space like about now), I finally made it to college! Yey! I'm happy my parents are happy, and my sister's happy, and I don't need to bring Mitton to Bandung with me (TIS WAS A SERIOUS THOUGHT, srsly), and Viren's there, and and and yeah. I'm happy.

I'm happy before because there's nothing to be sad about; but I'm happy today because there's more to be happy about. Hehehe.

Now for random picture:

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Romy - rani, Abang - Tiara
OSN 2010 , OSN 2011
I hope they'll get more than what Romy and I got last year!

"Sampe ketemu di FISIP UI ya Ran!"
"Hehehe, sippo! Sampe ketemu di FISIP!"
- Karen dan rani, 29 Mei 2011

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