Monday, July 25, 2011


Hello! How's life, people? Mine's great so far. But today, unlike any other day of me ranting the usual life I've had, I want to share you a story of how my house was almost robbed today.

So here goes.


For starters, you should know that.. I have a really big family. Well.. kinda. My father has nine siblings and my mother has four. And yeah, we're pretty close. I have 13 uncles and aunts and.. like, 25 cousins or so and I keep in touch with them and in short, I KNOW them. So do my mother and father. My mother and father have a lot of uncles and aunts, so they have a lot of cousins too, and they know them pretty well too. Therefore, I have a lot of people that in a way or another are family and they are a lot, so.. I might or might not have seen them in person.

One day, I'd say, mm.. a few weeks ago, a guy came to my house, saying that he's a son of some dude who had died, and that he has no family left, and he really need a job, and came to my house to see my father and mother to talk or ask for a job or something along those lines. My mother was working. My father has something to do in Palembang. My sister was at school. I'm home alone, with a maid that will leave at 5 or so and Mitton. Should I panic? I think I should have, but I didn't. I kinda ask my father and mother whether they know this guy, and then.. well.. He said a lot of names that I think I should've known, and he said that he got my address from a person whose name was familiar in my ears, and he ask for my mother's and father's number and I gave him and I actually need to go so I ask him to leave. Via my father.

It turned out that he IS a some-kind-of a family from my mother's side. He's... uh. He's a son of a dude who was a my grandma's cousin or sibling or something. I forgot, okay? It's complicated. So my father or mother (I dunno) texted him and asked him to come to my house again. To talk. Or do something about this guy. Because family doesn't neglect each other, yeah?

A few days later, when my father's home, he came again and actually talk with my father. He rant about how he's alone and he need a job and he would go to Makassar with my father if he needs to, and how he won't beg for lalala and lalala. In short, he ranted. In the end of conversation, he asked to borrow some money. A million or so. My father decline and says that he doesn't need to borrow a million, but in return my father gave him half a million so he can come back to his village; because life's easier there. He'll get a job and he'll live, because, well, I don't really understand of how but my mother seemed to agree about that so I guess that was a good idea too.

A few days later, I lost my wallet.

How? I don't know. It was in my bag the last time I saw it. My bag. In my house. I guessed it slipped or something. But no it wasn't. Because when my mother's home and tries to find her laptops, she couldn't find them. And, my garage key was nowhere to be found too.


Somebody must have broke into my house when I was sleeping upstairs that day.

I'm glad I haven't died.

We kinda should've saw this coming, because.. we put our keys under the chair in our terrace every time one of us gone out. For YEARS. And nothing happened before, so we kind of.. mm.. didn't do anything about it until that day. So yeah. The next day we changed our locks and keys and each of us has keys so no need to put any under the chair.

That was.. a week ago.

Exactly a week ago.

Today, being an unemployed person that I am, I went to UI with my friends of Rohis for dauroh. I was out at 8 in the morning and I was fasting, and we walked a lot, and talked a lot, and it was hot, and I was back home at 4.30 or something.

I was dead tired after that.


The kind of tired that the only thing you want to do when you get home is sleep like a log. Or dead.


When I got home, greeted by Mitton like usual, got my keys in my bag like usual, I suspect nothing except bed.

But when I tried to open the door, it was unlocked.

I thought my mother or sister was home and they kind of forgot to lock so I shrugged it off.

And then I saw my parent's room door was open. And that guy came out from there, brought my laptop bag with him.

Should I panic? Yes.

Should I scream like a mad man? HELL YES I SHOULD.

But I didn't.

Instead, I was staring like an idiot and he said that he was asked by my mother to bring something and he went to the door with my laptop bag with him and he still saying things, and then I stopped him and said that I need that laptop but he insisted that he should brought it and I insisted that there's something I need there and he gave me the laptop bag, and then he said he should go and he has a key and opened the lock with the key that I know I put on the table inside my house that morning and then.. run.

What did I do?

I locked the door, I went to my parent's room and it was a mess. A mess.

I opened my laptop bag and there's my laptop that should've been in my room upstairs.

Did I just experienced robbery?? My mind said.

I called my mother and said everything that just happened. I call my father too.

I saw my parent's room and oh, my camera's there, handycam's there, my mother's expensive bags are there, my father's watches are there, even tho it was scattered, it was there. Whew.

I laughed a little and I think he want to brought it all along with him, but I caught him in the middle of trying to figure out how and when he want to bring my laptop bag (the only thing he brought along that moment) I stopped him just in time with.. a method that I'm not sure I could use again in the future.

After that, I panicked.

Too late, mind. Too late. If my mind was a person, I'll slap her in the face.

I realized that it was kind of scary and I could've knocked out and died for real and then I sobbed a bit but I'm glad at least I saved my laptop. And about me being DEAD TIRED? Not anymore. Too preoccupied to feel exhausted, I'd say.

And kinda paranoid, and yeah. My sister and mother was home after that, I explained it to them with a dry throat, from fasting and talking a lot and panicking. My father too. A lot later.

My mother lost some of her jewelry but other than that... I think nothing was stolen. And I'm not knocked out and fainted.

Or dead.

And Mitton's not kidnapped.

And there's the story folks! It turns out okay! Even tho my mother's jewel are pretty nice to wear. But you can't have everything, so there.

Besides, my sister's sarcasms are funny.

p.s. A friend said to me that I should practice panicking when he called a month ago. He thinks I'm not panicky enough and that's not good for me. It needs a month to make me think he had a good point.


klaravirencia said...

Ran..... Untung banget banget banget kamu gak kenapa-napa --"
On the point of practicing panicking, I don't think that guy would have reacted that calmly if you started screaming and such in the first place. So, yeah, no need to regret that you weren't panicking at the right timing, I guess.

chop said...


You got a point, but if I did scream or do something about it, the guard in front of my house could've done something; but yeah, that's just a mere assumption. I hope he won't come again.

p.s. That guy use a FREAKING EYELINER. He definitely has a lot of spare time. GAH.

Bangquito said...

wew, that's quite an experience.
glad you're okay, and did share here.