Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm sure there's a time when they doubt me. I'm sure there's a time when I doubt myself. There's a time when I doubt everything, as if the world hated me, but that doesn't change the fact that I should never stop fighting. That doesn't change the fact that I have to struggle and work despite all these limitation, doing my best with these short-lived life, being good at being human. Human is full of flaws. Why should we deny it? I'm human, I have flaws too. I'll get a bad score if I don't study hard enough. I don't like swimming and I easily get tired. I'm an awful singer, and a this list could go on and on. I have learnt to accept that. I learnt that there are things that I can't change forever, and there are things that I can't change now.

I may have failed, I may have succeed, but no matter what happened to me the clock won't stop ticking. Tomorrow will come and I could always start again. Life is never that simple, but what makes it complicated is how you look at it. You think you're essential? Try again.

If idealism is for kids, I don't mind being a child. My mind and body could grow and all that, but let me be a children at heart.

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